Teaching Philosophy

Growth Mindset

My educational philosophy is that of a Growth Mindset. I believe that students are capable of anything that they can think of. The goal of this is to never let a student feel that they are not capable of what they think of.

Examples of my Teaching Philosophy

The first example is of the behavior classroom I worked in last school year. We work with our students to practice the techniques we teach them to improve their behavior. We also work with them to accept feedback on their mistakes to help them grow as a person.

The second example is with coaching my athletes. I ingrain in them to never give up and work harder and harder than anyone else by practice. When they mess up I give them feedback so that they can improve because you are never perfect you can always grow.

Role of Technology

Yes, technology plays a vital role in our modern-day society. However, technology in the classroom should not be the focal point of the class. It should be used more as a collaborative tool to build upon learning experiences. What I mean by that is students will not be doing all of their learning solely from a device. They will instead use technology as an extension of their learning via making projects, extension activities, etc.